ZCB/Clare Sangha Inclusion Statement

Zazen is for Everyone.


At the Zen Community of Baltimore/Clare Sangha, we honor and celebrate the diversity that each individual brings as a unique expression of the dharma. 

We welcome anyone who wishes to explore the path of Zen, regardless of their race, religious beliefs, sexuality, gender identity, health status, age, economic status, political affiliation, or any other identifying characteristics. 

The sangha is the Third Treasure of Zen. Support of the sangha is an essential element of our practice. When we practice zazen, we sit together as a community and derive strength from each other’s practice. As a sangha, we vow to provide a tolerant and supportive atmosphere where everyone feels safe and valued.

We expect our teachers and members alike to behave in a way that cultivates acceptance.

Zen practice is rigorous. Each of us encounters unique challenges along the way. We understand that unique challenges may require unique solutions and accommodations.

We are committed to maintaining the forms and traditions that have been passed down through the ages. Our teachers are always willing to work with members to make Zen as accessible as possible.

If you would like to speak with us about your unique needs, please visit our contact page.